Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hey, I got it!

Hi there, So I havent made a post in a while. This is mainly because I've been busy with, well, life. I've just had a lot of things to do. When I checked my email this morning I had an email from Michael at The Warrior's Rage saying they want me as one of their columnists for the warrior class. Yay! What's this mean for the sooo many readers I have(all sarcasm intended). Well, nothing. I'll still write this unread blog, for fun. But most likely not as much. And, as for a druid update. There really isnt. He's level 10, I sort of lied and specced him in balance. But hey, I can level faster now. But anywayy...Yea I got the gig on Warrior's Rage. Hope to have something up soon. Till next time,


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh wow, I guess I'm not as original as I thought

So, When I created this blog oh so long ago, not really. But anyway, when I started this blog I had pretty much no blog knowledge outside mmo-champion, and wow insider.
But now that I've started to read more wow blogs, I realize I was not the only one that had the idea to write a blog about being a noob in wow. So, If the guy at Noobding ever reads this, I apoligize if you think I stole your idea, which, I didnt. I didnt know about pretty much any other wow blogs at the time. But hey, Stregth in numbers? I'd say so. Ok so, enough with the sappy stuff :P. My good computer for gaming is broke, hooray! not really :/, oh well, I'll fix it, till next time,


Druid Challenge: Update One

So, a day or so ago I posted that I was taking the "Druid Challenge." This is where I level a class I know absolutely nothing about. So, the one class I know pretty much nothing about is the druid. My druid is now level 9, I started him last night, or better said, VERY early this morning. He's a Tauren, and my main is ally, and I have no friends on the Horde on my server, so my druid has no friends, or help. But, with all the aside he is doing quite well for a lvl 9.

I figure, once you get around level 10, leveling isn't just seriously automatic, so I'm going to try and grap at least two levels a day till hes around level 20, then one level a day till I'm like level 40. Give or take a day or so. I'll make some more updates on him later. So, I'll see you guys later, tell next time,


Saturday, March 20, 2010

So, I applied for a non-paying job online

A warrior blog i like to read is, The Warriors Rage, conveniatelly located at
Check it out, its pretty good. Anyway, The guy that runs the site is looking for writers for each class on his blog. I would love more experiance writing onling, so I applied for the position of warrior column writer. If I get this, which I really don't think I will, but if I do, I'll still write this blog, although I have little to no readers, it's fun anyway. But my primary focus will be the warrior column.
But as I said before, I probably won't get it.

While we are on the subject of WoW blogs. I sent an email to the people at, to see if this blog can get featured on their resource guide. This would be a big honor, because there are some big names on that guide. Names like, blog azeroth, mmo-champion, and cool stuff like that. Anyway, We'll see if I get that too, which would be super awsome. Well, thats all for now, till next time,


So, I just saw this, thought it was a good idea,

So, I saw an article on mmo-champion where someone asked, "What will you be doing the first day Cataclysm is released?" Well, if Cataclysm is released on a weekend, on in the summer, I will be taking off work to level to 85. If it's released during school, I will, just estatically wait all day through school to go home and start playing. Regardless of what day it is released, I will, hopefully, stand in line at my local game stop, till midnight when they release cataclysm, and get my collectors edition of Cataclysm.

On this post I saw on mmo-champion, a lot of people said they will be killing all the new Worgens, this is, on a pvp server of course. Typical horde :/. I don't think this will be possible though. I think that, jsut like they did in wrath, Blizzard will make the Worgen and Goblin starting zones in that "parallel universe thing". I know the word for it but I can't think of it at the moment. Just like the people that said they were going to farm all the new death knights. They realized they werent able to, because the death knights werent in that "world" i guess is the right term for it.

So, I don't think anyone will be able to farm new worgens or goblins for awhile. The will just lock the zones. Also, I would love to change races to a worgen, but, Blizzard already said they arent allowing race changes to new races for a while, sad day :(. But..I'll survive, somehow... I hope I can pull of a server first for warrior to 85. But, being the noob I am the odds of that are astronomical. So, I guess my question to readers(if I even have any) is, what will you be doing on the first day Cataclysm is released? Till next time,


I am taking the druid challenge!

So today, i was reading the blog, Can Tank, Will Travel. I saw a post on there where he said he was taking the "Shaman Challenge." Basically that post was about how he has never played a shaman/healer. So, he was challenging himself to level a healer shaman.

Naturally this sounded like a great idea, play a class youve never really played before. So I decided to take this challenge, the one class I have never really played is a druid, and a resto druid at that. I have levelled a druid to about level 10, and got bored. So now, I'm challenging myself to create a resto druid, and level him to at LEAST level 40. This will be..difficult at the least for me, considering I normally get bored of leveling a charecter when it gets around level 12ish.

To make this challenge even harder I decided to make the toon a Horde toon. Because I am Alliance, and I don't know any Horde players on my server. So, I am going to start leveling a Tauren druid on Vek'nilash. I really hope I dont get bored of leveling him, consindering I don't really the Horde, or a Tauren at that. And I will have like no friends in my faction.

Anyway, I hope to get this toon to at least level 40. I'll update on how he's doing, wish me luck! Till next time,


Friday, March 19, 2010

Um, I dont like douchebags :p

So, I'm sitting around in me ever so boring life, thinking, and I realize, I really hate douchebags, especially in WoW, when your in a group for a dungeon, and just based on your gear alone, they call you out and say you suck, then leave the group. No fun :///

Anyway, not to get your empathy or anything, I really just dont like jerks in WoW. I mean, I understand is a low level asks you for help and your busy, so you say you can't help. But, lets not just be plain mean to the new players. Now, I'm not telling you to go around giving out free gold(but that is rather nice :)) Im just saying that we all should be generally nicer to people in WoW. Think back to when you first started playing, now, unless you have a friend, or sibling, that played before you, you probably didn't know a whole lot about the World of Warcraft. So, when someone asks you for help, or advice, I think we should give it to them, unless of course, your doing something of greater importance.

Also, don't shoot people down in dungeons or raids just based on their gear. I think everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves, who knows, maybe they will turn out to be a really great player.(World of Warcraft player that it, not the player player ;)) Till next time,


Cataclysm, what I know, what I want to know

So, I know there are about a million different blogs or forum threads about what people know about Cataclysm, but I think I should make one too, you know, go with the "status quo."

So, heres what I know:

  • There will be no more defense rating
  • All major stats(strength, agility, stamina, spirit, intellect,) will be completely redone
  • Intellect, will become like spell power, mana users will increase their mana by some other way, and as far as I know that hasnt been anounced yet, if different, tell me!
  • The difference in health between a cloth user, and a plate user, will be less, lucky for you clothies.
  • Pretty much, the entire World of Warcraft enviorment as you know it well be completely different.
  • The Alliance will have a new race, Worgen
  • The Horde will have a new race Goblins
  • This will be the first expansion pack where a new continent was not realsed.

There is so much more, and, if you want to know more, go to or, or any other world of warcraft blog or forum. Or, just be classic and go to, and go to their Cataclysm section and read up on it. Till next time


My whole response to WOTLK

You know, even though wrath isnt completely over, The majority of the stuff is released. I must say, i liked TBC better. I think it had a good mix of raiding, and also just regualr playing. Like, the daylies for the shattered sun. I thought that was great. Yes I know there are still tournament dailies today, and a lot of other dailies in Icecrown, I still liked the ones for the shattered sun better.

I think that the whole, 10 man, then 25 man modes for each raid, with some content having 4 different modes, just makes getting to know the raids so confusing for new 80's. I liked how in TBC, with the exception of kara which was only 10 man, each raid was a 25 man raid. I think it just made more sense in general to everyone. Having 25 people only in each raid, excepting kara.

I really don't like the whole jousting thing, it has a few plusses, like how you can get some gold doing it. But it just isnt me. It doesnt really feel like the WoW i used to like so much.(yes i know a very cheesy cliche) I think the one thing i REALLY liked about WOTLK was the cross realm dungeon finder. Which, if you want to know my full opinion on that you can read my blog on that.

So, I guess you can basically summarize this up by saying: I thought WOTLK was O.K. I think they could have done a lot better with some of the things. Maybe this is just because I am really a TBC kinda guy. Who knows? In conclusion, I wasnt really impressed, in the words of Ceasar in Mel Brook's "History of the World part One" "Nice, not thrilling, but nice."
I'm really looking forward to Cataclysm

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What? No more defense?

Well a day or two ago I was scrolling through the news on mmo-champion, when I saw a quote from Blizzard, talking about the new stat system in Cataclysm. As I read through, I saw stuff they are editing strength and spirit and all that good stuff blah blah. But what I saw that really stuck out to me was, no more defense, no more defense cap, yay! :D

Me, being a slightly noobish fury/prot warrior(that never ever uses the prot spec), has been trying to gear up for maybe one day, actually using my prot spec and tanking some time. As I would go through heroics, and a tanking piece of gear would drop, I would just wait and ask if anyone needed it, if no one did I would say I was OS tank, and would take it. But, I could never get defense capped. I knew that before I should go tank I need to get defense capped. So I would look at gems, and enchants and all that crap, but I could never get my defense to 540. So I pretty much gave up on ever tanking.

But in the article I read the other day, Blizzard said they are taking away defense, to give people that arent defense capped, and people lie arms warriors, a chance to tank, to you know, spread the love....yeah whatever, but you get it. Not just, beasted out all epic prot warrior and such, will be the only ones that can tank a heroic, maybe I'll acually get the experience tanking something and decide what I like better?


Altaholics, Me? Maybe...

So, I have a problem....I like to create a new character, talk big to myself about how I'm going to level him, and how hes going to be like, my new main, or my highest level alt, then, about an hour later...I'm bored and I want to either get on my main, or make a new character. Is this pathetic? Because I think it slightly is. Is there a cure for this disease? Will I ever be able to level one alt constantly? Will I ever have a normal wow life?

Wow, a normal wow life. That's like, an oxymoron, considering you never really have a normal wow life, because normal you don't have a life playing wow. Yes, I'll be the first to admit it, when I really get into playing, I don't stop, for a long long time. Well, a week tops. But then I have a life for a week, then I go back to playing non stop. Maybe one day I can play hardcore all the time, or just quit. But...I don't want to play all the time or quit. Anyway, who knows? till next time,


The Cross-Realm Dungeon Finder

Hello there,

You know, I'm really liking this cross realm dungeon finder. It's nice not to have to go into trade chat, and wait like an hour to get in a group for a heroic. Now, I can hop on WoW, get in the que, and in like 15 minutes or so be in a heroic, can 26 gold, and 2 frost emblems when I finish. This might take like an hour tops. Depending on the heroic you get in.

I really like how I can now get 2 frost emblems a day, then triumphs the rest of the day. And let me tell you, this really helps me to get some starting gear. I know this is kind of a noob way to get gear but, if theres a piece of valor gear you want really bad, then, trade in the triumphs you get, for valor. I know, thats a bad way, and noobish, but hey, for one piece of gear it works :p.

Till next time,

A Noobs Life in World of Warcraft- Introduction

Hi there! I'm Alex and yes, this is yet another blog about WoW. There are about a million of them out there, but maybe this one is a little different.

You see, as most WoW players know, getting to level 80 is really not even half the game. Once you get the 80 you have a bunch of heroics, and raids, and stuff like that you can do. Now, my charecter is level 80, but I'm pretty much a noob at the game, I'm a fury warrior who on a good day pushes 2.3k dps, not impressive I know.

Anyway, as you can see I'm not the best WoW player in the world. One thing I've noticed about most WoW blogs is that they are mostly ran by really good players. So, I thought that I should make a blog about what it's like to not be the best making a blog. This is A Noobs Life in World of Warcraft. I plan on updating constantly and giving you guys an insight on how life as an 80 noob is. I hope you enjoy! :)
